100% natural massage wax and oils

ellas kitchen energy balls

Homemade Energy Balls (cost effective)

Why not try these simple to make, delicious, cost effective energy balls.  Made with 100% wholefood sources you'll also get a bit hit of fibre, vitamins and minerals.  If you've ever had Ella's Kitchen Energy Balls then you'll what these are all about. 
Customer Loyalty is key to a successful business

Customer Loyalty is key to a successful business

In a crowded marketplace, being successful as a working therapist isn't easy.  The choice for clients is greater than ever, with sports therapists, massage therapists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, reflexologists, thai massage, swedish massage, your mates mate, etc...
Discount for professionals

Discount for professionals

At PB TwentyFive the majority of our customers are from a professional background and use our products daily when working within their clients.  We recently ran a promotion for members of the Sports Therapy Association offerings 25% discount of their first order.  
Massage wax and massage oil

Search Engine Optimisation

Google has become synonymous with finding out information in the modern World.  How many times have we said 'just google it'?  Online searches hep us to find just about anything, and it's not just Google.  Bing also accounts for around 20% of online searches.  
Myofascial Cupping

Myofascial Cupping

There are two forms of Myofascial cupping ‘wet’ and ‘dry’. I practice dry cupping which involves applying a plastic cup to the skin and drawing the air out of the cup with a hand held pump (see picture left). On the market you can also purchase glass cups where you use a flame to burn the air out of the cup and cause a vacuum. Personally I prefer the hand held vacuum pump for its speed of application and control at how much pressure I need to achieve with accuracy.
Rotator cuff

Rotator Cuff Massage

As a physical therapist working from a bodybuilding gym, I see a lot of rotator cuff injuries.  The injury can be very painful and debilitating for those who have it.  It starts out with a bit of pain, a niggle, a little bit of stiffness soon follows, and from there the symptoms can worsen quickly and can enforce a cessation in training for many people.
Strength training for endurance

Strength training for endurance athletes

As with all elements of sports performance, athletes are always looking for ways to gain an edge.  Supplements, diet, training plans and new gear are often at the top of the list.  As endurance athletes, we spend as much time as we can engaging in the sport we love, whether it be cycling, running, swimming etc...